经济学人DAY13 |《寄生虫》导演奉俊昊:从极端分子到民族英雄

最新消息 2020-02-26 10:23:47



Creepy crawlies


The Oscars triumph of “Parasite”





And of its director, Bong Joon-ho, a persona non grata turned national hero

该片导演奉俊昊(Bong Joon-ho)由一名不受欢迎的人变成了民族英雄


1. HALFWAY THROUGH “Parasite”, the Kims, a family of grifters who live in adankSeoul basement, have by hook and (mostly) crook wangled their way into jobs in the ultrachic mansion of the Parks. Twisty as the plot has already been, viewers know more surprises must be in store—but can scarcely imagine what they will be. The screwball shifts in tone somehow cohere into a biting parable ofhaves and have-nots. On February 9th this South Korean farce became the first foreign-language film to be crowned Best Picture at the Academy Awards. It also took Best Screenplay, Best International Feature Film and Best Director,for Bong Joon-ho.




2. “Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles,” Mr Bong has observed, “you will be introduced to many more amazing films.” The success of “Parasite” has been seen as a harbinger of the rise of global cinema in the Anglophone world, and of South Korea’s rich film industry in particular. Perhaps—but, even more than usual, it is a triumph for Mr Bong, who has completed a high-speed journey from subversive extremist to national hero.During the administration of Park Geun-hye, from 2013 to 2017, officials kept tabs on him because of his politics; state funding was unavailable for his work. Being blacklisted in this way, Mr Bong said just three years ago, was a “nightmare”. On February 10th he received a warm congratulatory message from Moon Jae-in, the president today.


“一旦你过了语言关,”奉先生说,“你将会看到更多精彩的电影。”《寄生虫》的成功被视为全球电影在英语国家崛起的先兆,尤其是韩国发达的电影产业。也许吧,但对奉先生来说,这是一次更大的胜利,他完成了从颠覆性的极端分子到民族英雄的高速旅程。在朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye) 2013年至2017年执政期间,当局因为他的政治立场而监视他;他得不到国家资助。就在三年前,奉先生还说,他被以这种方式被列入黑名单是一场“噩梦”。2月10日,他收到了现任总统文在寅的贺电。


3. His rehabilitation chimes with political changes in South Korea. Ms Park’slieutenants considered Mr Bong’s films—which include “Memories of Murder”, “Mother” and “Okja”—unacceptably disrespectful of the state; more than 9,000 other artists and writers, many less able to support themselves, got the same treatment. (Mr Bong’s English-language sci-fi flick, “Snowpiercer”, faced a different problem in America: Harvey Weinstein’s distribution firm restricted its release when Mr Bong refused to make the cuts Mr Weinstein wanted.) In the end, the cultural McCarthyism did not help its enforcers. A newspaper revealed the existence of the blacklist in 2016; the resulting outrage contributed to Ms Park’s impeachment and eventual imprisonment for corruption and abuse of power, and the election of Mr Moon.



4. Some conservatives are still wary of Mr Bong, whose work criticises capitalism and social hierarchies. But despite its themes of inequality and class resentment, South Koreans’ jubilation over “Parasite” transcended politics. The many who had been breathlessly following the Oscars ceremony erupted in pride when the best-picture envelope was opened. Cinemas swiftly added new screenings for the few laggards who had not yet seen the film (more than 10m tickets were sold when it was shown in South Korea last summer). A pizza joint and supermarket that feature in the story were overrun by reporters. The municipal government promoted tours of the film’s locations, including a grimy underpass.



5. Little good the enthusiasm will do the city’s strugglers—at least, if “Parasite” itself is any guide. Nothing avails the Kims, neither crime nor (when they try it) going straight. Still, for all its fatalism, part of the appeal of Mr Bong’s zany movie is that it is never simplistic. The Kims aren’t saints, and the Parks are moreblithe than villainous; they just cannot help noticing the odour that seems toemanate from the servants. If audiences stop to think about it, the grislydenouement is only a slight inflection of a reality in which, sometimes, the poorest are left to feed on scraps.












persona non grata不受欢迎的人


Current managing director Dominic Barton personally called Gupta to tell him he was now persona non grata at the firm.   



grifter/'ɡrɪftə/ n. [美俚]骗子;小偷


She's a conniving, manipulative little grifter who put my son through hell.


dank /dæŋk/ adj. 潮湿的;阴湿的;透水的


The cave is dank and dark.



by hook and crook 不择手段


wangle/'wæŋg(ə)l/ n. 欺诈行为;哄骗;伪造vt. 扭身挤出;使用诡计;骗取


I wangled an invitation to her flat.




screwball /'skruːbɔːl/ n. 曲线球,怪人,略带神经病的人adj. 怪僻的,奇妙的,精神有点怪的


That screwball proposal won't work.



cohere/kə(ʊ)'hɪə/ vi. 黏合;联合,结合;(指看法、推理等)前后一致,连贯


I glued together the fragments of the vase, but they did not cohere.



haves and have-nots 富人和穷人,


farce/fɑːs/ n. 笑剧,闹剧,滑稽戏;笑剧剧目;作假的可笑场面,闹剧场面


Authorities in Kiev have condemned the unofficial referendum as a farce.



Best International Feature Film最佳国际故事片

Best Director 最佳导演

Best Picture 最佳影片


harbinger/'hɑːbɪndʒə/ n. 预言者,预兆


German bond yields are hovering below 1%, another harbinger of falling prices.



Anglophone world英语世界


Anglophonen. 讲英语的人


The conflict between the government and the Anglophone minority is escalating.



congratulatory/kənˈ grætjʊlətərɪ/ adj. 祝贺的


On Election Night, the victor's offices were inundated by congratulatory messages.



During the administration of …执政期间


keep tabs on监视,密切注意


The PFA's new chief, Noorul Amin Mengal, says it cannot hope to keep tabs on all Punjab's food outlets.

旁遮普食品监察局的新任长官Noorul Amin Mengal 称,该组织无法密切关注旁遮普所有的餐饮店铺。


Flick 在这里指电影


distribution firm发行公司



是在没有足够证据的情况下指控他人不忠、颠覆、叛国等罪。它也指“使用不公正断言、调查方式,特别是对持异议者和批评者进行打击。” 在麦卡锡时代,不少美国人被指为***人或同情**主义者,被迫在政府或私营部门、委员会等地接受不恰当的调查和审问。被怀疑的主要对象是政府雇员、好莱坞娱乐界从业人士、教育界、工会成员。虽然没有足够证据能证明任何事实,但嫌疑人依然被定罪,而个人的真实或可疑的左派组织或信仰都被大肆夸张。许多人因此失去工作,事业遭到了毁灭性打击;有人甚至被监禁。绝大多数被定罪者事后都得到了**,法案被判违宪,解职令被判非法或准许申诉。


rehabilitation/'ri:hə,bili'teiʃən/ n. 修复;复兴;复职;恢复名誉,昭雪


But after controlling for recidivism and rehabilitation programmes, the meal-related pattern remained.



chime with……相一致


The protests' vague message chimes with a public sense of unfocused dismay.



lieutenant/lef'tenənt/ n. 陆军中尉;海军上尉;副职官员


The lieutenant fell to the ground, mortally wounded.



blacklist/'blæklɪst/ n. (受怀疑、受冷遇等的)黑名单vt. 把(某人)列入黑名单


No concrete reasons have been given for the blacklisting of Qatar.



be wary of 担心;小心;警惕


They may be wary of unexpected visitors.



jubilation/dʒuːbɪ'leɪʃn/ n. 欢腾,欢庆;庆祝活动


Ron made a noise that might have indicated jubilation or disgust, it was hard to tell.



transcend /træn'send/ vt. 超出或超越(经验、信念、描写能力等)的范围;优于或胜过…


It's one that transcends any culture, geography, race, religion, politics, or workplace.



laggard /'lægəd/ n. 落后者


A laggardly response to revelations of sexual abuse by the late Jimmy Savile, a TV presenter, looked complacent.



overrun/əʊvə'rʌn/ n. 泛滥成灾;超出限度vt. 超过;蹂躏;泛滥


My house has been overrun by cockroaches.



grimy/'graɪmɪ/ adj. 肮脏的,污秽的


Portsmouth's grimy centre has also struggled to attract non-Britons.



underpass/'ʌndəpɑːs/ n. 地下通道


In the sun of a weekday afternoon, women in multicoloured kaftans gossip in the spacious squares and underpasses.



avail n. 效用, 利益vt. & vi. 有用于, 有益于, 有助于


available adj. 可用的或可得到的;可会见的, 可与之交谈的

availability n. 有效;有益;可利用性;可得到的东西(或人);可得性


avail oneself of


to little avail


to no avail


without avail


of no avail无效


Free ticket is available only to students.


Beauty without bounty avails nought.



fatalism/'feɪt(ə)lɪz(ə)m/ n. 宿命论


This sort of fatalism was part of it.



zany/'zeɪnɪ/ adj. 滑稽的, 笨的;可笑的, 荒唐的


If you have strong, mildly zany or energetic interviewees, then rely on them as much as possible to carry the story.



blithe/blaɪð/ adj. 愉快的;快乐无忧的


Replacing the fences the Yankees had so blithely burned was a long hard task.



villainous/'vɪlənəs/ adj.邪恶的;凶恶的;恶劣的;可憎的;恶棍的;恶棍似的;罪恶的;卑鄙可耻的


Villainous school bully Draco Malfoy really should have known better than to mess with our Miss Granger.



emanate /'eməneɪt/ vt. 放射


emanate from

v. 放射;发源于;出自


And then, suddenly, the sparks emanating from the cauldron were extinguished.



denouement /deinu:'mɔŋ/ n. (戏剧、小说等的)结局


And it's what happens when they clash that gives us our denouement.



to feed on scrap以残羹冷炙为食


scrap /skræp/ n. 残余物;碎片;打架;少量vt. 使解体;废弃;拆毁adj. 废弃的;零碎的vi. 吵架


iron scrap


scrap value残余价值,报废时价值

scrap heapn. 垃圾堆;废铜烂铁堆,废物堆

scrap papern. 便条纸


This car will soon go for scrap.




最佳影片 Best Picture

最佳导演 Best Directing

最佳男主角Best Actor in a Leading Role

最佳女主角 Best Actress in a Leading Role

最佳女配角 Best Actress in a Supporting Role

最佳原创剧本 Best Writing (Original Screenplay)

最佳改编剧本 Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

最佳摄影 Best Cinematography

最佳剪辑 Best Film Editing

最佳音效剪辑 Best Sound Editing

最佳音响效果 Best Sound Mixing

最佳视觉效果 Best Visual Effects

最佳化妆与发型设计  Best Makeup and Hairstyling

最佳服装设计 Best Costume Design

最佳艺术指导 Best Production Design

最佳原创配乐 Best Music(Original Score)

最佳原创歌曲 Best Music(Original Song)

最佳动画长片 Best Animated Feature Film

最佳动画短片 Best Short Film(Animated)

最佳真人短片 Best Short Film(Live Action)

最佳纪录长片 Best Documentary(Feature)

最佳纪录短片 Best Documentary(Short Subject)

最佳国际影片 Best International Feature Film



HALFWAY THROUGH “Parasite”, the Kims, a family of grifters who live in a dank Seoul basement, have by hook and (mostly) crook wangled their way into jobs in the ultrachic mansion of the Parks.


这个句子,主干是:half way through “Parasite”, the Kims have by hook and (mostly) crook wangled their way into jobs in the ultrachic mansion of the Parks. 中间的a family of grifters who live in a dank Seoul basement,是一个插入语,修饰the kims, 说明这是一个什么样的family。 


