
最新消息 2018-07-10 09:19:41

 David Evans -Advice

University of Virginia 

Department of Computer Science 



Like most professors, I get severalhundred emails a year from prospective students interested in coming to UVa forgraduate school and joining my research group. I try to reply to all messagesthat are not obviously spam, but find most messages I receive make me lesslikely to want to accept the students sending them. This page provides someadvice for prospective grad school applicants considering emailing me, but mostof it probably applies to any other professor you want to contact also.




Who To Contact


Its a really badidea to send spam emails to long lists of professors. These emails will neverhelp you, and some professors will maintain blacklists of applicants who dothis to make sure their application is rejected without consideration.



Your goal in sending email is not to contact as manyprofessors as you can, but to identify a few professors who you might want asyour research advisor and then to find which of those seem most promising asadvisors and convince them that you would be a worthwhile student.



You should only contact professors with whom you have agenuine interest in working based on knowing something about them and what theydo. You can find out about professors' research by looking at their web pages(professors who don't have web pages about their research are either notinterested in recruiting students, not doing any research, or so famous theyprobably have someone to filter their email for them).

你应该只联系那些你真正感兴趣的,想一起工作学习的教授,了解他们和他们所做的研究项目。你可以通过他们的网页,了解教授和他们的研究项目 (有些教授没有在网上介绍他们的研究,要么是不招学生, 要么是不做任何研究,要么是他们太有名了,有人为他们过滤电子邮件)。



Do Your Homework


Before contacting a potential advisor,do your homework: read the advisor's home page.



If doing this doesn't give you any interesting ideas,this is probably not someone with whom you want to do research so you shouldn'twaste time contacting her or him. If it does, send a short introductory email.




First Email


A typical message should go something like this:标准模板来了~

From: Flipper Wordsfish <flipper@adou.edu>
Subject: Student Interested in TSU Problem


Dear Professor Nemo,

I will be finishing a BS degree in Underwater Mathematics at the  Atlantis Deep Ocean University this year. I am considering applying to UVa's  PhD program and would be interested joining your Octople Cryptology research  group.


I found your paper, "A Linear-Time Solution to the Travelling Sea  Urchin Problem", on your website (http://www.smith.org/urchin.html). I  was fascinated by your result, especially as I have spent several summers  studying the similar travelling sea cucumber problem as an intern at  Microshifty Corp in the Attle Sea. You can find a paper about my work on this  athttp://www.flipper.com/research/tscp.html.


I believe your result is even more important than your paper implies,  since it can be extended to solve the Travelling Salescritter Problem and  thus to prove P = NP.


Do you think it would be worthwhile to pursue this line of research? If  you are interested, I can send you a proof sketch.


Flipper Wordsfish (flipper@adou.edu)



From:Flipper Wordsfish <flipper@adou.edu>

Subject:Student Interested in TSU Problem

Make sure your from address and  subject lines are useful.地址和主题都要写清楚

Dear Professor Nemo,

Greeting:its safest to be a bit  formal here.敬语一定要正式

I will be finishing a BS degree in Underwater Mathematics at the  Atlantis Deep Ocean University this year. I am considering applying to UVa's  PhD program and would be interested joining your Octople Cryptology research  group.

Briefly introduce yourself in at  most two sentences. Don't tell your whole life story. Be direct and clear  about applying to grad school. 简洁的介绍自己,最多不能超过2句,不要罗里吧嗦的讲你的学习生活经历。直接明了的说,你想申请研究生

I found your paper, "A Linear-Time Solution to the Travelling Sea  Urchin Problem", on your website (http://www.smith.org/urchin.html). I  was fascinated by your result, especially as I have spent several summers  studying the similar travelling sea cucumber problem as an intern at  Microshifty Corp in the Attle Sea. You can find a paper about my work on this  at http://www.flipper.com/research/tscp.html.


Explain specifically what you read  and where you found it (people sometimes publish several papers with similar  names and forget which is which). A touch of flattery never hurts, but don't  go overboard. If appropriate, relate it to your background and interests and  briefly plug your work.


I believe your result is even more important than your paper implies,  since it can be extended to solve the Travelling Salescritter Problem and  thus to prove P = NP.

Concisely describe your insight or  why you are interested in the work.简明地描述你的洞察力和为什么你感兴趣。

Do you think it would be worthwhile to pursue this line of research? If  you are interested, I can send you a proof sketch. 

End with a clear, simple question.Offer a suggestion on how to proceed.用一个清晰的、简单的问题作为结尾。提供一个建议,例如如何推进

Flipper Wordsfish (flipper@adou.edu)

Closing—make sure to  include your name and email address.最后,一定要有你的名字和电子邮件地址。

Of course, your insight isn't likely to be so significantas Flipper's. But, you should make an effort to raise an interesting questionabout the work described in the paper, to suggest extensions or applications ofthe work, or to relate it directly to something you have done.



It is definitely worth taking time to write clearly andconsisely using correct spelling and grammar. As with all emails, the messageshould be broken into short paragraphs, the sentences should be simple andstraightforward.




What Not To Do


Never do any of these:

Don't send information about your GRE scores, GPA, class rank, cholesterol levels, favorite movies, etc. and ask what your chances of admission are. Standardized tests and grades have minimal influence on your chances of     admission and reveal very little about your potential as a researcher. No     one can or should tell you anything about your chances of admission based on an email (other than that you are more likely to be rejected now since     you sent an annoying email).

千万不要发送任何以下乱七八糟的信息,比如GRE考试成绩, 平均成绩GPA, 班级排名, 你的胆固醇水平,你最喜欢的电影等等,也千万不要问你录取的几率是什么。标准化考试结果和成绩对你的录取影响很小, 根本不能很大程度的展示你做研究的潜力。如果仅仅从一封电子邮件,没有人可以或有义务告诉你任何关于你被录取的概率(除了你现在更大可能被直接拒绝,因为你发了一个恼人的邮件)。


Don't send a first email longer than a typical screenful. You should be able to get across everything you need in a first email concisely and use longer emails if technical depth is required in follow ups.



Don't waste space and time telling me how hard-working, creative and smart you are — demonstrate it with the contents of your message.



Don't waste space and time telling me how brilliant I am. The fact that you are interested in joining my research group is flattery enough.



Don't make generic statements about being interested in my work or how well it relates to your interests. Most professors have projects in several different areas and can't figure out what you mean unless you describe a specific connection or interest.

不要用泛泛的证明来告诉我,你对我的工作多么多么感兴趣或者我的研究工作正好与你的兴趣多么多么相符。大多数教授有项目在几个不同的领域, 他们根本不知道你指的哪一个, 除非你具体描述一个特定的联系或者兴趣点。


Don't attach anything to your email. If you want to provide additional content, you should do this by sending a URL (as plain text, not a link). If you are not able to create a web page, you probably shouldn't be applying to CS  graduate programs.



Don't use HTML encoded email or non-standard character sets.



If you are a non-native English speaker, make sure your "From:" address  appears using the English alphabet. If you have a name that is difficult  for English speakers to pronounce or distinguish, it is to your advantage to use a name that English speakers can pronounce and remember. I do realize it is very unfair for us to expect you to change your name for our  convenience and cultural ignorance! But, once you get admitted you can and should tell people what you want them to call you.

如果你是一个国际留学生,英语非母语, 确保你的“from” 邮箱地址是英语字母出现。如果你的名字,让英语为母语的人很难发音或区分,建议你适用一个容易发音和记忆的英文名字。我明白这对你们是非常不公平的,仅仅是为我们自己的便利和对你们文化的无知就让你们改名字。不过,一旦你获得承认,被录取后,你想让人们怎么称呼你就怎么称呼你。


Note that for your formal application it is necessary touse your legal name, so if you use another name in your email communicationswith faculty, it is important to also provide the name you use in yourapplication so they can identify the corresponding application. This isprobably not necessary in a first email, but is a good opportunity to refreshthe relationship after you send in your application by informing your contactto the formal name used in your application.

注意,正式的学校申请需要使用您的真实姓名,所以如果你在电子邮件中使用另一个名字与导师沟通,一定要注意提供您在申请中使用的名字, 这样他们就可以确定保持一致。可能在第一封邮件中没有必要, 但是提出申请后,是一个很好的机会来告知你的真实名字给导师。


Don't use any fancy formatting in your email (including your message signature).







